
EU5 - U2L4

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  • What was he doing in the morning?
    He was studying insects.
  • What part of the plant is it?
    The seeds
  • Where on the plant are the seeds?
    In the fruit!
  • What was she doing last week?
    She was finding animal tracks.
  • When I arrived at the campsite, _____ was ___(#3)____.
    she - roasting fish.
  • Can you identify the plant?
    It's a rose.
  • When I arrived at the campsite, _____ was ___(#5)____.
    he - putting out the campfire
  • What was #4 doing when he arrived at the campsite?
    He was telling stories.
  • Can you identify the insect?
    It's a mosquito.
  • What was she doing yesterday?
    She was picking strawberries.
  • What do you call the stem of a tree?
    A trunk
  • What part of the plant is it?
    The fruit
  • What was she doing last night?
    She was exploring a cave!
  • What is it?
    A cave
  • What part of the plant helps the plant drink?
    The roots help the plant drink (and stand up)!
  • What is an insect that helps flowers make fruit & seeds?
    Bees, butterflies, moths, flies...
  • What part of the plant is it?
    The roots
  • What was #2 doing when she arrived at the campsite?
    She was building a campfire.
  • What was he doing in the afternoon?
    He was collecting leaves.
  • What part of the plant is it?
    The flower
  • What were they doing yesterday?
    They were identifying trees.
  • What part of the plant is it? The leaves and the ________.
  • What part of the plant is it?
    The leaves (a leaf)
  • What 2 parts of the plant help the tree eat?
    The roots (the roots eat things in the Earth!) & the leaves (the leaves eat the Sun)!
  • What was #6 doing when he arrived at the campsite?
    He was looking at the stars.
  • Is it an insect?
    No, a spider is not an insect! (Remember: insects have 6 legs)