
Future speaking

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  • What will future houses look like?
  • Will space tourism become a popular activity one day? Will you buy a ticket?
  • Do you think self-driving cars will become a reality in the near future?
  • How will medicine and health care change in the future?
  • Are there any other catastrophes humanity will face in the future?
  • Do you think that robots will be used to help with cooking and other housework?
  • After your children grow up what will you do? (make up a funny answer)
  • What will you do after this class?
  • What will happen if we keep polluting the environment?
  • Will human beings make contact with aliens during your lifetime?
  • What will education be like in the future?
  • Will computers become smarter than humans one day? Is this a bad thing?
  • Where will you be and what will you be doing in 10 years?
  • Will computers ever take over the world?
  • How do you think you will change in the future?
  • Will we be able to add machines to our body to improve it in the future?
  • Where will we get our energy when we run out of oil?
  • Do you think the future will be better or worse for your grandchildren? In what ways?
  • Do you think one day robots will serve as teachers?
  • Will science find a solution to the environmental problems we have? What kind of solution will it be?
  • How will fashion change in the future?
  • When will humans live on another planet?
  • How long will people live in the future?
  • In 50 years there are projected to be 10 billion people on the earth. How will that affect the future?