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Perspective Taking

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  •  English    16     Public
    What is perspective taking, why do we do it, and social scenario practice with reference to size of problem follow-up questions.
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  • Jack and John are going to an amusement park this afternoon. Jack is afraid of heights, but John loves big, fast roller coasters. Tell 2 things Jack is thinking and 2 things John is thinking.
    Is there a problem in this scenario? How big is the problem?
  •  20
  • Julie is talking about her new shirt, and Mary keeps yawning and looking away. What are two things Julie is thinking and 2 things Mary is thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  10
  • Brad keeps interrupting Steve while he is talking about what he did over the weekend. Tell 2 things Brad may be thinking and 2 things Steve may be thinking.
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  20
  • Lisa and her dad are walking in the mall and her dad starts singing loudly. Tell 2 things Lisa is thinking and 2 things her dad is thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  15
  • Bill keeps his camera off and his mute on the entire class. What are 2 things Bill may be thinking and 2 things his teacher may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  25
  • During conversations, Kelly always talks about her interests and things she did, but never asks Tina any questions. What are 2 things Tina may be thinking and 2 things Kelly may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
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  • Kyle always goes off topic when talking in class and will talk for 5 minutes about random things. What are 2 things Kyle is thinking and 2 things his classmates may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
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  • Steve wants to play Fortnite, but Calvin wants to play Minecraft. What are two things Steve may be thinking and 2 things Calvin may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
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  • Bobby's dad asks him about his day when he gets home, but Bobby storms to his room and ignores his dad. What are 2 things his dad may be thinking and 2 things Bobby may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  10
  • YOU walk by someone who is sitting down and crying and there are papers everywhere. What are 2 things you are thinking, and what are 2 things they may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  15
  • The fire alarm goes off in class when it's not a fire drill day. What are 2 things students may be thinking and 2 things the teacher may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
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  • Your friend keeps ignoring you in the hallway. What are 2 things you may be thinking and 2 things the other student may be thinking.
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
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  • Terrie is a new student at school. What are 2 things Terrie may be thinking?
    Is there a problem? What is the size of the problem?
  •  5
  • What is perspective taking?
    Perspective taking is the ability to look beyond your own point of view, so that you can consider how someone else may think or feel about something.
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  • What are things we need to consider when taking someone's perspective?
    What they may be feeling, thinking, their motivations, intentions and what they may do next.
  •  15
  • Why is perspective taking important?
    The ability to listen and acknowledge another’s perspective will often lead to better relationships, careers, and help our own behaviors.
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