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Riddles for teens

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  •  English    35     Public
    Teenagers think they know everything, so use that to your advantage by asking them to crack these riddles for teens.
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  • You’re in a race and you pass the person in second place. What place are you in now?
    Second place.
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  • How can you go 10 days without sleep?
    You sleep at night.
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  • You throw away my outside, eat my inside, then throw away the inside. What am I?
    Corn on the cob.
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  • An Uber driver is going the opposite way down a one-way street. He passes five policemen along the way, none of which stops him. Why not?
    Because the Uber driver was walking.
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  • What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach?
    A deck of cards.
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  • If you have it, you don’t share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?
    A secret.
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  • Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?
    They are a grandfather, father, and son.
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  • A man shaves many times during the day, but at the end of the day, he still has a beard. How is this possible?
    The man is a barber.
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  • The person who makes it has no need of it, and neither does the person who buys it. But the person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
    A coffin.
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  • While a cat was outside, it started to downpour. The cat couldn’t find any shelter and got completely soaked by the rain, yet not a single hair was wet. How could this be?
    It was a hairless cat.
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  • You are in a dark room with a box of matches. Nearby are three things: a candle, an oil lamp and a log of firewood. Which do you light first?
    The match
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  • This vehicle is spelled the same from the front as well as from the back. What is it?
    A racecar
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  • What can go up a chimney down, but cannot go down a chimney up?
    An umbrella.
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  • What has no beginning, end, or middle?
    A doughnut.
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  • If there are three apples and you take two, how many do you have?
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  • I call the trees my home, yet I never go inside, and if I ever fall off the tree I will surely be dead.
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