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Should I Eat Raw Eggs?

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  •  English    13     Public
    Some trivia questions about food safety! (Advanced)
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  • True or False: If you are peeling an apple, it should be rinsed.
    True. The utensil you use to peel your produce can pick up pathogens from the peel and can spread them to the inside of the food.
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  • True or False: Wash poultry and meats before cooking.
    False. Poultry, meats, and seafood naturally have bacteria in their raw juices. If they are rinsed in the sink, pathogens can easily spread to other surfaces
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  • True or False: Once chicken turns white in the middle, it is cooked to a safe internal temperature.
    False. You cannot use colour as a way to guarantee if a food is fully cooked.
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  • True or False: Cookie dough should not be eaten until it is cooked.
    True. Raw egg in the dough may contain pathogens.
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  • True or False: You should not put hot food in the refrigerator because it will make the refrigerator have to work harder.
    False. To ensure that hot food cools quickly, place it in shallow containers.
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  • What is an example of a "high-risk food?"
    Undercooked or raw eggs, meat, poultry, or seafood; unpasteurized milk and cheeses; raw sprouts.
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  • What are the most common symptoms of food poisoning?
    nausea and vomiting
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  • Most cases of food poisoning are caused by…
    viruses and bacteria
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  • True or False: Symptoms of food poisoning always come on slowly, after a long digestion period.
    False. Symptoms of most foodborne illnesses happen very fast. They may start a few hours after you eat the contaminated food.
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  • Always thaw foods in the refrigerator overnight and never thaw them lying on the counter or in a sink of water.
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  • What is listeria? 
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  • What foods are most often contaminated with listeria?
    deli meats
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  • How many hours does a discomfort usually last in a mild food poisoning? 
    4 hours
    2 hours
    3 hours
    5 hours
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