Game Preview


  •  English    30     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which of these monotonous jobs would you rather take: call centre worker, assembly line worker, car park worker?
  •  15
  • Name a collocation with the word "job".
    look for a job, apply for a job, job interview, good/great job
  •  20
  • Name a collocation with the word "work".
    work hard, be off work, be out of work, work on a project, keep up the good work, ...
  •  20
  • How do you say "hores extres" in English?
  •  20
  • How do you say "torns" in English?
    WORK SHIFT (there's also the graveyard shift, do you know what it is?)
  •  25
  • How do you say "aconseguir un ascens" in English?
    GET PROMOTED (getting demoted is also a thing). What do you think you need to do to get a promotion at work?
  •  15
  • Would you say working from home has more perks (+) or drawbacks (+)?
  •  10
  • How do you say "horari flexible" in English?
    work flexitime, work flexible hours
  •  25
  • What is the difference between a permanent job and a temporary job?
  •  20
  • What is the difference between being out of work and being off work?
    OUT (unemployed) OFF (free day - leave)
  •  25
  • What's the difference between being hired and being fired?
    Hire (getting a new job) - Fire (losing the job)
  •  25
  • What is a synonym of "personnel"?
    staff, employees, workers
  •  10
  • What is the opposite of a full-time job?
    PART-TIME JOB. Why do you think part-time jobs exist and what are the advantages and disadvantages of having one.
  •  5
  • What is the opposite of a permanent job?
  •  15