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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the opposite of a permanent job?
What is the opposite of a full-time job?
PART-TIME JOB. Why do you think part-time jobs exist and what are the advantages and disadvantages of having one.
What is a synonym of "personnel"?
staff, employees, workers
What's the difference between being hired and being fired?
Hire (getting a new job) - Fire (losing the job)
What is the difference between being out of work and being off work?
OUT (unemployed) OFF (free day - leave)
What is the difference between a permanent job and a temporary job?
How do you say "horari flexible" in English?
work flexitime, work flexible hours
Would you say working from home has more perks (+) or drawbacks (+)?
How do you say "aconseguir un ascens" in English?
GET PROMOTED (getting demoted is also a thing). What do you think you need to do to get a promotion at work?
How do you say "torns" in English?
WORK SHIFT (there's also the graveyard shift, do you know what it is?)
How do you say "hores extres" in English?
Name a collocation with the word "work".
work hard, be off work, be out of work, work on a project, keep up the good work, ...
Name a collocation with the word "job".
look for a job, apply for a job, job interview, good/great job
Which of these monotonous jobs would you rather take: call centre worker, assembly line worker, car park worker?
Name three freelance jobs.
TRANSLATOR, WRITER, BROKER... What are the perks and drawbacks of having a freelance job?
Name three undemanding and unskilled jobs?
BARTENDER, STOCKER, CASHIER... Why do you think there jobs aren't paid much?
Name three challenging and responsible jobs.
FIREFIGHTER, ENGINEER, DOCTOR, ... Why do you think these jobs are well-paid?
Name three manual jobs.
MECHANIC, GARDENER, BUILDER, PLUMBER... Would you say these jobs have future prospects?
Name three stressful and tiring jobs.
TEACHER, SURGEON, SOLDIER,... Stress is highly caused by work. How would you avoid getting stressed?
Name three unusual jobs.
professional mourner, bed tester, panda fluffer, pro queuer, golf-ball diver... PICK 1!
Would you like to be in charge of a work team in the future?
Would you like to work in tourist industry?
Would you like to work from home in the future? Why?/Why not?
What does a farmer do?
A farmer harvests crops. Would you consider becoming one?
What does a barrister do?
A barrister represents his or her client in court. Would you consider becoming one?
What does a carpenter do?
A carpenter makes furniture. Would you consider becoming one?
Name five white-collar jobs.
lawyer, accountant, receptionist, secretary, tax collector. Would you consider becoming one?
Name five blue-collar jobs.
carpenter, florist, builder, plumber, cleaner. Would you consider becoming one?
Name three jobs that end with -ician.
politician, dietician, musician. Would you consider becoming one?
Name three jobs that end with -ant.
shop assistant, accountant, flight attendant. Would you consider becoming one?