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Microbiology Lecture Final Review

  •  English    54     Public
    Review over lecture units 1-4
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  • What is a xenotransplant?
    Using organs/tissue from a different species.
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  • What is the difference between a somatic and a germline mutation?
    Somatic mutations occur in body cells, they are not inheritable to the next generation. Germline mutations ARE inheritable to offspring.
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  • How can we "grow" viruses in a lab?
    By growing them in a living host, using something like a tissue culture, a lab animal, an embryonated egg, etc.
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  • What is a carcinogen? Give 2 examples of carcinogenic viruses.
    A carcinogen is an agent that can cause the development of cancer. Ex: Hep B, Hep C, HPV, Epstein Barr, etc.
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  • Signs and symptoms of this pathogen include jaundice, fatigue, nausea/vomitting, fever and lack of appetite. Get the vaccine if you're going to nursing school!
    Hepatitis A
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  • What three locations does hematopoiesis occur?
    Yolk sac, liver, red bone marrow.
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  • Tell us 3 chemical defenses
    tears, saliva, sweat, sebum, stomach acid, etc.
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  • what are the three granulocytes? What do they do?
    Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.
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  • What 3 cells have lymphoid lineage?
    NK Cells, B-cells, T-cells
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  • what is the function of interferon alpha and beta?
    IFN A&B induce cells to produce antiviral proteins, which interfere with viral replication by inhibiting protein synthesis.
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  • What is the function of IFN-Gamma?
    Promotes phagocytosis, it is proinflammatory.
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  • In this complement pathway, factors B, D, and P bind to the antigen
    Alternative pathway
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  • What is the result of complement?
    Inflammation (via c3a & c5a), Opsonization (via c3b), and lysis of the target via MAC (C5-C9)
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  • True or False: Peroxisomes and lysosomes are examples of eukaryotic organelles that lack a plasma membrane.
    False. These organelles are both membrane bound.
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  • What is an antigen?
    A substance that is seen as foreign, and can provoke an immune response.
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  • What cells have MHC II molecules?
    Antigen presenting cells: Macrophages, Dendritic cells, B cells.
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