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AP Psychology Names

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  •  English    24     Public
    Key names in Psychology
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  • Established the first psychology laboratory. Measured time it took for people to hit a button after hearing a ball hit a platform
    Wilhelm Wundt
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  • Functionalism. He believed that consciousness serves a function that is adaptive. Influenced by Charles Darwin
    William James
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  • He used structuralism to learn about the mind, engaging people with self-reflective introspection.
    Edward Titchener
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  • The first woman to receive a psychology Ph.D., she synthesized animal behavior research in The Animal Mind (1908).
    Margaret Floy Washburn
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  • A distinguished memory research who was denied a degree from Harvard despite completing all requirements, she was the APA's first female president
    Mary Whiton Calkins
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  • This psychologist emphasized the ways our unconscious mind and childhood experiences affect behavior
    Sigmund Freud
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  • Known for the Little Albert experiment, which demonstrated that a child could be conditioned to fear a previously neutral stimulus
    John Watson
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  • This person studied operant conditioning by conducting experiments using animals which he placed in an operant conditioning chamber which is named after him
    B.F. Skinner (experiment= Skinner box)
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  • Believed that natural selection shapes behaviors as well as bodies
    Charles Darwin
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  • Russian physiologist who pioneered the study of learning, known primarily for his work in classical conditioning.
    Ivan Pavlov
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  • law of effect (rewarded behavior is likely to recur)
    Edward Thorndike
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  • Observational learning, Bobo the clown experiment
    Albert Bandura
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  • humanistic personality theory emphasizes the importance of the self-actualizing tendency in forming a self-concept.
    Carl Rogers
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  • Best known for creating Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization.
    Abraham Maslow
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  • Developmental psychology; Placed human infants into a "strange situation" in order to examine attachment to parents
    Mary Ainsworth
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  • Believed each developmental stage is a conflict that must be resolved. Proposed 8 stages of Psychosocial development beginning with Trust v. Mistrust,  etc.
    Erik Erikson
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