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Sports Riddles

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  •  English    17     Public
    Read the clue and guess the sport
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  • I'm most popular in the USA and Japan, I'm played with a bat and a small white ball. You need to hit all four bases to get score the most points - what am I?
  •  15
  • Teenagers love doing my sport. You need a helmet and special pads to do me safely. I am done on ramps and in special parks. I am one of the sports in the X Games. You need a board with wheels. You can do many tricks with the board.
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  • I'm the worlds most popular sport and played all over the world. Both men and women play. This sport can have two names but it always has two parts and every four years there's a world cup.
    Football / Soccer
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  • This Olympic Sport doesn't need a ball or a bat, you don't have to run or jump. You play it on a table but it isn't table
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  • I am done outdoors in rivers, lakes, and on the ocean. The goal of my sport is to catch something. You need a special stick, bait, and a hook. I require a lot of patience and a lot of strength. Instead of a point, you get dinner!
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  • The people practicing this sport have to be weighed before a competition. They wear gloves and move around a ring. They can't touch the back of their opponents neck but can punch them in the face
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  • Each team has six players. It can be played on the beach or a court, over a net. You can hit the ball with your hand but can't kick it or catch it.
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  • Played with a racket but not a ball. You hit a thing with 'feather' over a net, you can play against one person or in teams of two.
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  • I'm a winter sport and played with a stick but not a ball. You need to wear a helmet and special pads as you may be hit into a wall. You need special footwear and very good balance to play me. You score goals and get points
    hockey / ice-hockey
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  • I am done outdoors. I am a sport in the Winter Olympics. Men and women do my sport. I have many different styles- downhill, slalom, aerials, jumping and so forth. Snow is necessary for my sport. I require special sticks and poles.
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  • I'm done on snow but not on skis, I go downhill but can also slide and jump. You can do tricks and it's a lot of fun but you will fall over when learning how it's done
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  • I used to be necessary to catch food for dinner. Now I am just a sport. Robin Hood and Hawkeye were famous in my sport. I am done outdoors. I need a target. If you hit the bull’s eye, you get the most points.
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  • I am the only sport that needs a large object. I am done outdoors. I need a lot of wind. I have big sails, a rudder, and a keel. I can be done for fun or for races. My sport is do all over the world and appears in the Olympics
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  • I am played at Wimbledon, at the US Open, and the Australian Open. Men and women play me. You need a racquet and a yellow ball. The person who hits a winner get a point. I can be played indoors and outdoors all year long.
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  • I am only played outdoors. To play you use a small white ball and a bunch of things that look like sticks. The goal of my sport is to put the ball in a tiny hole. The person who takes the least amount of shots wins.
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  • I'm a team sport played with a ball. You can't use you feet or hit the ball. You can throw and catch, you can move with the ball but not holding it. You can play indoors or outdoors. I'm played around the world but most famously the USA
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