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  •  English    15     Public
    Make a choice in a social situation.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are at a friend's house. Your friend asks if you want to play a video game, watch a movie, or play a sport. What will you choose to do?
    Any answer.
  •  15
  • You are shopping for something to wear to a friend's birthday party. You are deciding between a shirt that is striped, red, or purple. Which one will you choose?
    Any choice.
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  • You are having some friends over to hang out. Which snack would you choice to have for your friends: chips and popcorn, veggie and fruit trays, or pizza?
    Any choice.
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  • You are planning an activity for your friends when they come over. Which activity would you plan: listen to music, play video games, or art/crafting?
    Any choice.
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  • You are planning to hang out with your friend this weekend. When would you want to hang out: anytime that works for my friend, Friday Night, or Saturday?
    Any choice.
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  • You are looking for videos on YouTube. What kind of videos do you like: How to... videos, music videos, or gaming videos?
    Any choice.
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  • You are asked to play a game with your younger cousin. Your cousin asks you which game you would like to play: Monopoly, Sorry, or Clue. Which game would you want to play?
    Any choice.
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  • You are needing a break. Which activity would you most likely choose for your break: reading, listening to music, or spending time with your pets?
    Any choice.
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  • You are going to surprise your parent(s) by making dinner. What would you make: spaghetti, salad, or tacos?
    Any choice.
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  • It is a beautiful day outside. What would you do: stay inside or take a walk outside?
    Any choice.
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  • You are hanging out with your friends. It is getting really late and you should be getting home soon. What do you do in this situation: call your parent(s) to see if you can stay later, stay and don't worry, or explain you have to go?
    Any choice.
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  • You are going to be a few minutes late to your lesson for class. What do you do: apologize when you get to the lesson, email your teacher to let them know you are going to be late, or just log-in and not say anything.
    Any choice.
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  • You go to a new friend's house to hang out. Your friend wants to prank some other friends. What do you do: make up an excuse to leave, try to convenience your friend to do something else, or prank your friends?
    Any choice.
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  • Your friend has a new car. What do you say to your friend: That is a cool car! You are so spoiled! Awesome! Can you take me for a ride!
    Any choice.
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  • Your friend has a serious problem and you are worried about your friend. What would you do: talk to another friend, talk to a trusted adult, or just see what happens?
    Any choice.
  •  15