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  •  Polish    14     Public
    tłumaczenia - ćwiczenia do egzaminu ósmoklasisty
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  • (Nie dotykaj tego!) It's for Christmas!
    Don't touch it!
  •  15
  • (Czy Mikołaj odwiedza) all the children?
    Does Santa visit
  •  15
  • This carp (został ugotowany) yesterday.
    was cooked
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  • (Nie powinieneś jeść) dessert before dinner.
    You shouldn't eat
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  • (Piekliśmy babeczki) when my mum entered the kitchen.
    We were baking muffins
  •  15
  • This is (taki piękny dom)!
    such a beautiful house
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  • He is ____ (taki szybki!)
    so fast
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  • We (znów spóźniliśmy się) for our bus. :(
    are late again
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  • When we arrived at the mountain resort, (padał śnieg) really hard.
    it was snowing
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  • (Ile książek) are you going to read this month?
    How many books
  •  15
  • They (zamierzają zbudować) a new swimming pool in Gdansk.
    are going to build
  •  15
  • This is (laptop mojego brata).
    my brother's laptop
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  • This wallpaper (jest brzydsza niż) the one we had before.
    is uglier than
  •  15
  • (Kiedy się obudziłam rano) I felt terrible.
    When I woke up in the morning
  •  15