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E8 - translations

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Kiedy się obudziłam rano) I felt terrible.
When I woke up in the morning
This wallpaper (jest brzydsza niż) the one we had before.
is uglier than
This is (laptop mojego brata).
my brother's laptop
They (zamierzają zbudować) a new swimming pool in Gdansk.
are going to build
(Ile książek) are you going to read this month?
How many books
When we arrived at the mountain resort, (padał śnieg) really hard.
it was snowing
We (znów spóźniliśmy się) for our bus. :(
are late again
He is ____ (taki szybki!)
so fast
This is (taki piękny dom)!
such a beautiful house
(Piekliśmy babeczki) when my mum entered the kitchen.
We were baking muffins
(Nie powinieneś jeść) dessert before dinner.
You shouldn't eat
This carp (został ugotowany) yesterday.
was cooked
(Czy Mikołaj odwiedza) all the children?
Does Santa visit
(Nie dotykaj tego!) It's for Christmas!
Don't touch it!