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Being Assertive

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  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does it mean to be assertive?
    Being assertive means asking for what you want or need 
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  • When you are assertive, are you being RESPECTFUL or DISRESPECTFUL?
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  • What kind of voice should you have when you are assertive?
    Calm and Firm
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  • Your pencil breaks in the middle of a spelling test. How can you respond in an assertive way?
    Can I please get a new pencil?
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  • You don't know how to complete a math problem on your worksheet. How can you respond in an assertive way?
    Raise your hand and ask, "can you please help me with this math problem?"
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  • Your classmate cuts in front of you in the line. Instead of saying anything, you start to cry and then put your head down on your desk. Did that solve the problem? Why or why not? did not ask for what you wanted or needed.
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  • How big is the problem-Small, Medium, or Large? You ask your friend to play tag at recess, but she says she wants to play on the playground instead.
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  • You are coloring and you need a blue crayon, but you don't have one in your supply box. How can you ask in an assertive way?
    Can I borrow a blue crayon please?
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  • Your teacher is teaching and you really have to use the bathroom. You walk out of the room and loudly state, "I need to pee!" Did you handle that appropriately? Why or why not?
    No. You need to ask, "May I go to the bathroom please?"
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  • You are frustrated that your teacher that you had to correct one of your answers on your worksheet. You cross your arms, put your head down, and "I'm not doing that!" Did you given an appropriate response? Why or why not?
    No. You should use a calming strategy and then communicate how you're feeling.
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