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Winter Idioms

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  •  English    20     Public
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  • Ben ignored his upcoming test for so long, it created a snowball effect and now he has to stay up all night studying.
    Things get worse before getting better
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  • Lucy was left out in the cold the night of the school holiday dance. No one invited her to hang out with them.
    Leave someone out, Excluded
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  • My mom was already upset, but after the party, the messy kitchen was the tip of the iceberg for her.
    Small part of a problem that is seen when there is a much larger part not known about
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  • Instead of apologizing to his friend for not inviting him to the party, Johnny decided to add fuel to the fire and ignore him at school.
    Make a situation worse
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  • Nick gave Joe the cold shoulder after he told everyone his secret.
    Disregarding or ignoring someone
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  • The bride got cold feet at the alter and ran off.
    Doubt or nervousness that prevents something from happening that you planned to do
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  • After our big family dinner and celebration, I got into my bed and was out cold.
    Fast asleep
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  • My parents have just given me the green light to sleep at my cousins' house tonight. I'm going to pack my stuff now.
    To give permission to do something
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  • John knew that he was skating on thin ice with his teacher by not doing his project before the winter break.
    In a risky postion
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  • Having two weeks off of school for a holiday break will help me to recharge my batteries.
    Rest and gain energy back
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  • I didn't know many people at the holiday party, so I tried to break the ice with a girl who was sitting alone.
    To make others feel comfortable
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  • After spending a long day celebrating with my family, I told them I was going to hit the road.
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  • I have to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch my flight to LA at 7:00 am.
    Very early in the morning, as the sun is rising
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  • After playing with the little children with runny noses, I was feeling under the weather.
    Feeling sick
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  • My dad said he drew a blank on what present he got my mom last year. He was hoping he didn't get the same one again!
    To forget
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  • During my winter break, it started to snow out of the blue. It was a great surprise.
    Without warning, unexpected
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