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Food Myths

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    Are these statements about food true or false? Let's find out!
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  • Eating carrots will help with eyesight.
    Sure, carrots are a great, healthy addition to any diet, but it's all based on a rumour started way back around the time of World War II.
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  • Eggs are bad for the heart.
    Researchers have taken a look at the impact eggs have on your blood cholesterol and found that it actually doesn't cause it to spike.
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  • Vegetarian/Vegan diets are always healthier.
    Plant-based doesn't automatically mean healthier, it's just that vegetarians/vegans automatically eliminate junk foods by not eating animal products.
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  • Spicy food gives ulcers.
    Ulcers are generally triggered by either a bacteria or sometimes the consumption of certain types of medication.
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  • Eating at night will make you fat.
    People who eat late at night do tend to put on extra weight. One possible reason is that late-night eaters tend to choose high-calorie treats.
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  • Stickers on fruits and vegetables are edible.
    The stickers and the glue on them are approved by the FDA and they are safe to swallow.
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  • It's better to eat a slice of pizza for breakfast than a bowl of cereal.
    a slice of pizza is a more balanced breakfast than cereal because it contains much more protein and fresh ingredients, and it also has less sugar than cereal.
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  • White meat is healthier than dark meat.
    dark meat does pack a few more calories than white meat, but they also have higher amounts of nutrients such as iron and zinc.
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  • It's better to eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day.
    When it comes to how many meals a day you eat, it really doesn't matter — what matters is how many calories you're consuming.
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  • Juice cleanses detox your body.
    Organs in our bodies do the detox work. The spleen, liver, and kidney provide cleansing functions.
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  • Lemons contain more sugar than strarberries.
    A strawberry contains 40% sugar while a lemon has 30% more sugar content which is almost twice as much.
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  • Grapes explode if you heat them in a microwave.
    If you take a grape and cut it in half and then heat it up in a microwave oven, you will see a plasma. So if you happen to need to heat up a grape, don't do it!
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  • The smell of chocolate reduces stress and calms you down.
    Eating a bar of chocolate may cheer you up, but sniffing it calms you down, says a British psychologist. But it's only true for real chocolate.
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  • Red products most likely contain carmine which is extracted from bugs.
    Сarmine is a natural food coloring extracted from Cochineal bugs. It is found in different candy and other products and even in cosmetics.
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  • Energy drinks give you more energy.
    A 4-year study carried out by experts from Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) showed that energy drinks cause insomnia and nervousness.
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  • Diet soda is better than regular soda.
    Diet soda’s artificial sweetener, a supplement for sugar, wreaks havoc on your body and teeth. It makes your body crave more sugar.
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