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  •  English    8     Public
    Riddles, brain teasers and puns
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you do not have me.
    A secret
  •  15
  • Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
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  • A boy is walking down the road with 3 people in his family. One of them is a doctor. While the boy is the doctor’s son, the doctor is not the boy’s father. Then who is the doctor?
    His mother
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  • Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one. Madonna does not use hers. Obama always uses his.
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  • Your parents have six sons including you and each son has one sister. How many people are in the family?
    Nine. Two parents, six sons, and one daughter. All of them have one sister (not six sisters).
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  • There is an ancient invention still used today in some parts of the world which allows people to see through walls. What is it?
    a window
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  • What is correct to say – “the yolk of the egg is white” or “the yolk of the egg are white”?
    Neither. The yolk of the egg is yellow.
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  • I have keys without key locks. I have space without rooms. You can enter but you cannot go outside.
    a keyboard
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