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German Idioms

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  •  German    13     Public
    German Idioms
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  • Ich bin fix und fertig. How is this person feeling?
  •  15
  • Ich bin frisch und munter. How is this person feeling?
    as fresh as a daisy - energetic
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  • Ich kriege so eine..... (what piece of clothing follows) Kleid oder Krawatte
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  • Ich kenne das Stadion wie meine Westentasche. The Westentasche in English is
    vest pocket
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  • Ich bekomme kalte Füße - this is I am getting
    cold feet
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  • Du hast Tomanten auf den Augen - Tomatoes over your......
    You have tomatoes eyes
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  • Ich habe die Nase voll. This means what?  You are fed up or you are relaxed
    You are fed up
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  • Ich kenne Melbourne wie  (complete the saying)
    meine Westentasche
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  • Halt die ....... steif (This saying is keep your ears up) What is ears in German?
    Halt die Ohren steif
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  • Spinnst du? What is this question asking either literal or the real meaning
    “Are you spinning?” Meaning: Are you making stuff up/crazy? This originates from the fact that back in the day women used to sit up all night spinning and they
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  • Wir haben nicht alle Tassen im Schrank - To be bonkers True or false
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  • Du hast einen .... what animal completes the saying meaning you are crazy
    Du hast einen Vogel
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  • Ich habe wie ein Murmeltier geschlafen - How did this person sleep? Well or not so well
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