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FCE part 2: Gap fill.

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  •  English    56     Public
    Students _______ play this game will improve their ability to do part 2 of the First exam.
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  • A recent survey asked teenagers _______ their money comes from.
    WHERE (in reference to place)
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  • 80% of teenagers receive regular pocket money ______ their parents.
    FROM (used to state origin)
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  • Many teenagers have to ________ housework in return for pocket money.
    DO (collocates with "housework". The same as "homework")
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  • Some teenagers receive no money but say that their parents buy ______ what they need.
    THEM (referring to teenagers in the plural)
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  • Some teenagers choose ______ get a part-time job.
    TO ("choose" when followed by a verb is "to" + infinitive)
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  • Some reasons _______ seeking employment include having enough money to spend on music.
    FOR (can be used to express reason or purpose)
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  • Saving up for large purchases such ______ a car is useful.
    AS ("such as" = to introduce an example)
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  • When asked about _______ spending habits, about half of teenagers said they spent all their money each month.
    THEIR ( = belonging to them. In this case, the habits belong to the teenagers)
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  • Whatever your interests, there is a volunteering role _________ is ideal for you.
    WHICH / THAT (relative pronouns to refer to events or things. In this case "voluntering role")
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  • If you like animals, why _______ take dogs for a walk at an animals rescue centre?
    NOT ("why not" is used to make suggestions)
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  • Some teens do household chores because they see it _______ a way of getting ready for adult life.
    AS (can be used to connect a result with a clause. Result - "teens do household chores". Clause - "A way of getting ready for adult life")
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  • More than two-thirds of young people who were surveyed clean floors _________ least once a week.
    AT ("at least" = minimum)
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  • 80% of teenagers regularly set the table for meals or ________ the washing-up.
    DO (collocates with "the washing-up")
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  • Girls are more likely than boys to wash _______ own clothes.
    THEIR ( = belonging to them)
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  • Some children only do homework because they are made _______ by their parents.
    TO (be made to do something = to be forced to do something)
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  • Teenage years are a period to be enjoyed _________ than interrupted with household responsibilities.
    RATHER ("rather than" = instead of)
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