Game Preview

Perspective Taking

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  •  English    7     Public
    Identifying thoughts and feelings of others
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How is he feeling?
    Excited, Elated, Happy, Goofy
  •  15
  • How is he feeling?
    Confused, annoyed, upset
  •  15
  • Your friend did not make the High School Soccer Team after having practiced for weeks. What is he thinking? How is he feeling?
    Thinking: discuss as a group (various answers); Feeling: Disappointed, Embarrassed, Sad, Hurt, Upset
  •  15
  • A friend dropped their I-Pad and take home folder in the hallway, spilling the contents everywhere. What are they thinking? How are they feeling?
    Thinking: Discuss as a group (various responses); Feeling: Embarrassed, Annoyed, Frustrated, Sad.
  •  15
  • Your friend is sitting with their head down on the desk. What are they thinking? How are they feeling?
    Thinking: Discuss as a group (various responses); Feeling: tired, Sad, Bored, Sick
  •  15
  • A student does not understand the question that the teacher asked. What are they thinking? How are they feeling?
    Thinking: Discuss as a group (various responses); Feeling: frustrated, confused 
  •  15
  • A child loses his favorite toy. He drops to the floor and starts to cry and yell.  How is he feeling? What can we say to show empathy? What can we do to show compassion?
    Feeling: Frustrated, upset, mad
  •  15