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Neither/nor Either/or

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  •  English    11     Public
    Translate some sentences, find some mistakes
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  • Translate into English: A: Napijesz się herbaty czy kawy? B: Wszystko jedno.
    A: Would you like tea or coffee? B: Either.
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  • Translate into English: Możemy iść do obojętnie którego pubu.
    We can go to either pub.
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  • Translate into English: A: Napijesz się herbaty czy kawy? B: Ani tego, ani tego. Poproszę o sok.
    A: Would you like tea or coffee? B: Neither. I'd like some juice, please.
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  • Translate into English: Żaden z nich nie chciał przemawiać jako pierwszy.
    Neither of them wanted to speak first.
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  • Translate into English: Żaden z nich nie chciał przemawiać jako pierwszy.
    Neither of them wanted to speak first.
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  • Translate into English: Możemy albo iść do kina, albo spędzić ten wieczór w domu.
    We can either go to the cinema or spend the evening at home.
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  • Translate into English: Ani Howard and John nie wiedzieli o problemie.
    Neither Howard nor John knew about the problem.
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  • Transform the sentence. Remember to stick to the meaning. 1. Dan doesn't like pizza. And Mark doesn't like pizza.
    Neither Dan nor Mark likes pizza.
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  • Transform the sentence. Remember to stick to the meaning: 1. We can leave tonight. Or we can leave tomorrow morning.
    We can leave either tonight or tomorrow morning.
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  • Transform the sentence. Remember to stick to the meaning: 1. He didn't speak French. And he didn't speak English either.
    He spoke neither French nor English.
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  • Which word is missing? Did it happen on Monday or Friday? ____________ It was Sunday.
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