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Social Problem Solving

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  •  English    20     Public
    discuss possible solutions for presented problems
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  • You were at school and you were running in the hallway. You ran past a teacher and she gave you a look. What kind of look do you think was on her face and why? What do you think you should do?
    Squinted eyes and serious expression as if to tell you to stop running. You were not following the expected behaviors of being in the hallway.
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  • You are playing cards with some kids and one of them burps out loud. His face turns red and everyone looks at him. Why did his face turn red? Why did everyone look at him? How do you think he felt? What could you say or do?
    Burping aloud is unexpected when in a group. He realized this and turned red with embarrassment.
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  • After soccer practice you hand out birthday invitations to everyone except a little boy you didn’t know. As you were leaving you saw him crying and talking to his mom. Why was the boy crying? What could you do or say?
    The boy felt left out and wanted to fit in. You can go over and invite him to your party.
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  • Your sister was out riding her new bike. She suddenly came running in the house crying. Why do you think she was crying and what could you do about it?
    She probably fell off her bike. You can get your mom and ask her if she needs anything.
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  • You are trying to say something to your class on Zoom but no one seems to hear you or be listening to you. You get up, walk away and whine unmuted. Was this an "expected' solution? Could there be a better choice?
    Try to be patient and find the right time to chime in, type something in the chat box or try raising your hand.
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  • You were at school having quiet free time. Everyone could choose something they wanted to do, so you chose to draw. You got out your favorite clicking pen that turned different colors every time you clicked. You were playing with your pen a
    Angry look because it was an unexpected behavior for quiet time. It was distracting her from concentrating when reading.
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  • During a lunch bunch zoom group, the teacher opens the white board for kids to draw. One child wants to designate where people could draw but all other children just want to free draw. What should they do?
    Go with what the majority of the group wants at that time (group plan), be flexible
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  • Someone in your class teased you because you got so many wrong on your spelling test. How did you feel? What did you do?
    You feel sad but ignore the teasing and act like it doesn't both you.
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  • The teacher asked you a question in class, but you didn't know the answer. How do you feel? What do you do?
    You might feel embarrassed but just let her know that you do not know the answer.
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  • You know the answer to a question and class and want to share but the teacher doesn't call on you. You whine out loud and blurt out the answer anyway. How do your teacher and classmates feel? What should you have done??
    The teacher and classmates feel frustrated /annoyed because what you did was unexpected. You need to be flexible and let everyone have a turn.
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  • Your schedule changed. You will have an assembly instead of your favorite art class. How do you feel and what do you do about it?
    You have to be flexible and learn to accept schedule changes. You can look forward to your next art class.
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  • Your friend is over your house playing and wants to move a Lego piece that you don't want to move. What can you do?
    If it's easy to put back, let her move it for now and be flexible. If it would be difficult to fix, ask her nicely not to move it.
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  • You write a paper and the teacher reads it. She has many compliments overall but wants you to back and fix one part. You become upset and focus on the suggestion for improvement rather than all of the compliments. What should you do?
    No one is perfect. We work on things to make us better all the time. You should go back to make your corrections without getting upset and know you well!
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  • You were working on a project and it was time for specials. You were not done and continue working while everyone gets ready to go.. Everyone starts looking at you. Why? What would you do?
    You were not following the group plan or showing flexibility. These were unexpected behaviors.
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  • You noticed the new girl in class didn't have anyone to play with during recess. How would you feel if you were her? What would you do?
    I'd feel sad. Maybe ask someone if you could join in whatever they are playing.
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  • Your friend got a new haircut. You really liked it. What could you do?
    Tell them that their hair looks nice. Compliments make people feel good and allow others to have good thoughts about you for saying them.
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