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If All the World Were Paper

  •  English    4     Public
    #storytelling #storytellers
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • the - If - paper - all - world - were
    If the world all were world
    If all the world were paper
    If all paper world were the
    If all the paper were world
  •  15
  • ink - all - And - sees - the - were
    And all the seas were ink
    And ink all the seas were
    ink were all And the seas
    the seas and ink were And
  •  15
  • all - cheese - If - trees - and - cheese - were - and
    If the cheese were all bread and trees
    bread and cheese were all the trees If
    the cheese and trees if all were trees
    If all the trees were bread and cheese
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  • would - we - have - drink - What - to - ?
    would we What to have drink?
    What we to drink would have?
    we would have to What drink?
    What would we have to drink?
  •  15