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Wise men and women

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  •  English    10     Public
    Clever people.
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  • What three gifts did the wise men in the nativity story bring
    Silver, platinum and bronze
    Gold, Frankenstein and Bert
    Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
    Shower gel, Shampoo and Aftershave
  •  15
  • Which very clever person created the Theory of Relativity?
    Dr Frankenstein
    Joseph Epstein
    Albert Einstein
    Calvin Klein
  •  15
  • What is the nickname of the Chaser Ann Hegerty?
    The Guv'nor
    Lady Gaga
    The Mistress of the Dark
    The Governess
  •  15
  • Which famous queen of ancient Egypt used to bathe in Asses milk
    Elizabeth the second
    Queen Latifa
  •  15
  • Which scientist won two Nobel prizes and worked on radiation as a treatment for cancer
    Minnie Mouse
    Mary Whitehouse
    Marie Curie
  •  15
  • Which brilliant scientist, who spent much of his life in a wheelchair, died in 2018
    Eddie the Eagle
    Mark Buzzard
    Stephen Hawking
    Tommy Falcon
  •  15
  • Which famous artist painted the Mona Lisa?
    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Len Goodman
    Leonardo Dicaprio
    Lenny Bennett
  •  15
  • Who was the comedy partner of Eric Morecambe?
    Clever Keith
    Brian Brain
    Reggie Smart
    Ernie Wise
  •  15
  • Which English Playwright and Poet wrote 15 plays including Romeo and Juliet?
    William Shakespeare
    JK Rowling
    Stephen King
    Johnny Sabrerattle
  •  15
  • In a British criminal court, one person gives out the punishment to criminals. What is that person's title?
    The Judge
    The Boss
  •  15