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  •  Polish    12     Public
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  • Your friend has a stressful exam tomorow and in 2 days he is having a party that could damage his parents house. He feels APPREHENSIVE about all of that. Roleplay a scene in which you cheer up your friend. Use the word apprehensive
    I know you've invited a lot of people to the party, and you are a little apprehensive that your house will be destroyed, but hey, this is not certain.
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  • You brother's friend has had an accident. Tell him that everything is fine.
    After hearing the good news, you brother was overjoyed to learn that his friend had not been injured in the accident.
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  • Zostałeś wybrany/wybrana jako leader. Otrzymałeś mikrofon. Oznajmij, że zostałeś wybrany jednogłośnie.
    I've been selected unanimously.
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  • You are a candidate for a president. After hearing the news of not winning, you want to tell your supporters no to feel bad about it, because this is not the end. Use the expression DON'T BE DOWNHEARTED
    After hearing the news of the defeat, she told supporters not to be downhearted.
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  • Your friend asks why your other colleague didn't come to the party. Explain that he didn't feel well because he has been criticized by few people from here. Use the word DISCOURAGED
    I think he felt discouraged because of all the criticism he'd received.
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  • Someone is saying that the violence in some movie is objectionable. Explain that violence in the movie has an artistic purpose, and the director is a well-read person who needed the violence to convey smth. Use OBJECTIONABLE
    I don't find the violence in that film objectionable.
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  • Chcesz powiedzieć, że im starszy był twój kolega, tym bardziej buntował się przeciw jakimkolwiek autorytetom (rodzice, nauczyciele, rząd). Później miał już bardziej wypośrodkowane podejście. Użyj DEFIANT TOWARDS
    As he grew up, he became more defiant towards authority. Later, he became more balanced in his views.
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  • Use ANXIOUS ABOUT in a sentence
    The potatoe is floatinMother is anxious about my future. Matka niepokoi się o moją przyszłość.g
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  • use UNEASY in a sentence
    You're right, but I'm still uneasy about my work. Masz rację, ale nadal jestem zaniepokojony moją pracą.
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  • Use awkward in a sentence
    He's just at the awkward age. To po prostu taki dziwny wiek.
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  • Use DEPRIVE OF in a sentence
    Dr. Garvey, the next inmate you deprive of medication... simply because it's expensive, may die. Doktorze Garvey, następny więzień, któremu odmówi pan pomocy me
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  • Use ENDANGERED in a sentence
    It's no wonder the gray wolf is endangered. Nie dziwne, że szary wilk jest zagrożony.
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