Game Preview

Green Island 1

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  •  English    14     Public
    ORT G2B Lesson 7
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What page are the glasses on?
    Page 9
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  • Why is Mr Johnson cross?
    Because Chip is telling jokes and making noises.
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  • What do you think Mrs Honey's job is?
    An animal rescuer
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  • Can you think of three adjectives to describe Mrs Honey?
    Kind, caring, hardworking, nice, old etc
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  • Why do people dump toxic waste?
    Because it costs a lot of money to dispose of it properly.
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  • Can you think of three adjectives to describe these people?
    Naughty, bad, selfish, unkind etc
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  • What was Mrs Honey's idea?
    She stole the boat of the people dumping waste.
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  • Is Green Island a good place to dump toxic waste? Why?
    No because there are lots of animals living there that can be hurt.
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  • What did the children learn on their trip?
    They learnt about animals at the seaside and harmful things like oil and toxic waste.
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  • What does pollution mean?
    It is something in the environment that is harmful or poisonous.
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  • How did the seagull get covered in oil?
    There was an oil spill on the water
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  • Why are oil spills bad?
    Because they harm the wildlife like the fish and birds.
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  • What can we do to help prevent marine pollution?
    Reduce what we use, reuse our items and recycle them when we are finished. Make sure we dispose of our garbage correctly.
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  • What did you learn from todays story?
    I learnt that we need to protect the environment and animals.
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