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Speaking (B2)

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  •  English    25     Public
    LangCert Style Speaking Questions :: B2
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  • Eating habits
    How healthy is the diet you follow? What do you think of fast food? How can school help you eat more healthily? Is there a type of food that you avoid eating?
  •  15
  • Cinema
    What types of film do you enjoy watching? Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? Is going to the cinema popular with people your age?
  •  15
  • Clothes and fashion
    How important is it for you to follow fashion? What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Do you wear different clothes in different situations?
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  • Holidays
    Where do you like to spend your holidays? How’s a typical day when on holidays? Do you like going camping? What is the best place you have ever been on holida
  •  15
  • Climate and weather
    What is your favourite type of weather? Does the weather influence how you feel? How does the weather influence your everyday activities?
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  • Television
    How much television do you watch in a week? What kinds of programmes do you like and dislike? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching television
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  • Friendship
    What qualities do you look for in a good friend? Would you prefer a wide circle of friends or just a few close friends? Why? How can friends help you in times
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  • Leisure facilities
    What leisure facilities do you and your friends use? What kinds of leisure facilities are there in your town?
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  • Public transport
    Why do you think some people pay lots of money to fly first class? What’s the best thing about public transport where you live?
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  • Foreign language ability
    Why do you think it is important to speak a foreign language? Why do you think some people learn a language and then forget how to speak it?
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  • The area where you live
    Describe the area where you live. What do you like or dislike about your area? What problems does your area have? What is the best place you have lived
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  • Photography
    A picture is worth a thousand words’. Why do some people believe this? What makes a photograph important to you? What do you do with the photos you take?
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  • Money management
    How good do you think you are at saving money? Generally, what luxuries do you spend your money on? How do you decide how to spend your money?
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  • Personal comfort
    When do you feel most relaxed? Which is the most comfortable room in your house? (Why?) What sort of clothes do you wear for special occasions?
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  • Qualifications and examinations
    What has been the most difficult examination you have taken? Would you prefer to be tested through course work or by an examination?
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  • Relationships with other people
    Do you prefer to spend your free time with friends or family? (Why?) Are there any characteristics that most of your friends share?
  •  15