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Communication Role Play

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  •  English    15     Public
    A game to practice non-violent communication by role playing passive, aggressive, and assertive statements and requests.
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  • Your classmate forgot your birthday. You feel badly they didnt remeber. Role play an aggressive thing to say to them to let them know you're upset?
    Does it get your needs met? Does everyone feel good about this?
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  • Your classmate isn't doing their fair share of your group project. Role play a passive response.
    "I guess I'll do all the work" Does this get your needs met?
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  • You're in line for the school assembly and the person behind you is standing too close. Role play an aggressive response.
    Does this get your needs met that works for both of you?
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  • You don't understand the way your teacher explained the assignment. Roleplay a passive action.
    Does this get your needs met?
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  • Your classmate wants to talk about something other than what you want to talk about. You make a mad face and stop responding. What type of communication is this?
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  • Your friend called you to talk but your sister wants to use the phone to call her friend. How can the both of you get your needs met?
    Be assertive but kind. "I need more time to talk to my friend. Can we compromise and I'll be done in 10 minutes?"
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  • You'd rather read your book than talk at the dinner table. You are very tired from talking today at school. How can you get what you need?
    State your needs assertively. "I need some down-time from talking, may I be excused from talking?"
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  • Your parents expect you to hang out with your cousin that annoys you. You'd like to ask to spend time in your room. What type of question will get your needs met?
    Assertive. "Mom, I'd like some alone time, please"
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  • Your sister is teasing you and it making you feel bad. You decide to ignore it but it bothers you and now you're in a bad mood. What kind of response will get you what you want?
    Assertive. You don't deserve to be in a bad mood.
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  • Your parents are playing music in the car that is so annoying. It's putting you in a bad mood.  You wish they would change it. Will passively letting it go get you what you need?
    No. I will stay in a bad mood
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  • You're really struggling in one of your classes and you know that one of your classmates has been getting 100s. You wish they could study with you. Role play a passive attitude. Does it get you what you need?
    "I guess I'll just have to accept lower grades" No. I don't get what I need with a passive attitude.
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  • Your hairstylist really let you down this time. You hate your hair. Role play a passive attitude.
    "I guess I'll just wait until my next haircut" .......even though I really want them to re-do my hair.
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  • You found out your brother makes more money than you for an allowance. You wish you got the same amount from your parents. Roleplay a passive response. Will it get you what you want?
    "I guess he just gets more money" No, I will still get less than he does. Passive communication does not meet my needs.
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  • Is respect a need or a want?
    It is a need. We need respect otherwise we end up with bad feelings.
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  • Is kindess a need or a want?
    It's a need. We need people to be kind with us otherwise we end up with bad feelings.
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