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Conversation for Adults Level 3

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  •  English    6     Public
    Conversational ice breakers for adults or advanced English speakers
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Another environmental concern is plastic. Would you ever consider going zero-waste? Why or why not?
  •  15
  • How would you feel if supermarkets stopped packaging products like rice, fruits, pastas, etc. and you had to start bringing containers from home to package these items? Would you be relieved or annoyed and why?
  •  15
  • Is it important to have hobbies? Why/why not?
  •  15
  • What is the best way to watch television: On a television set, computer, tablet or phone?
  •  15
  • Why do some people sleep well while other people do not sleep well?
  •  15
  • How do certain kinds of music make you feel?
  •  15