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KILMARNY ISLAND chapters 3,4&5

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  •  English    9     Public
    Reading Comprehension
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • According to the ferryman, how many people live on Kilmarny island?
    65 and a leprechaun
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  • What two things are different about the pub on Kilmarny island?
    People play Irish music and dance. It is a family pub. People of all ages can go.
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  • Who did the Parkers see at the harbour on Kilmarny Island? What was he wearing?
    A small man sitting on a rock. He had a long beard and was wearing a green jacket.
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  • Describe aunt Sarah.
    She seemed to be over 70 years old. She was very thin and had long, untidy hair. Her eyes looked frightened.
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  • How do you know Aunt Sarah needed help with the housework?
    The area at the back of the house was black with smoke. The door collapsed and fell on Clive. She couldn’t cook
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  • Aunt Sarah is frightened of everything. Write three things she warns Brian about.
    Knives, the window in his room and the stairs.
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  • Where did the Parkers eat that night?
    At Murphy’s pub
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  • What were the locals doing in the pub?
    They were clapping their hands and moving their feet to the music
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