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NGPF Managing Unit Test

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  •  English    20     Public
    NGPF Personal Finance
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  • What are the two most important factors in calculating your credit score?
    Amounts owed and length of credit history
    Length of credit history and new credit inquiries
    Payment history and types of accounts
    Payment history and total debt
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  • Heather realized she has taken out too much debt and it has started to negatively impact her ability to budget. She has decided to pay off this debt in full as soon as possible. All of the following would be beneficial strategies EXCEPT…
    Applying for another credit card to use in case she runs out
    Reducing spending by canceling some of her streaming
    Making more than the minimum required payment on her debt
    Taking extra shifts at work to increase her income
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  • It may be more difficult for young people to borrow because they have less payment history for a lender to rely upon
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  • All of the following would show up on a credit report EXCEPT...
    Credit card payment history
    Student loan activity
    Payment history of your car loan
    Salary of your current job
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  • Which of the following methods of getting your credit score would involve paying a fee?
    Talking to a non-profit counselor
    Checking your credit card or loan statement
    Getting a score from
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  • Your friend confides in you that he has a low credit score. What is the single best way for him to improve his score?
    Cancel his credit cards
    Get a car loan
    Check his credit score
    Make on-time payments
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  • Melvin is 19 years old and wants to begin establishing a credit history. Which action should he take to meet that goal?
    Get a private student loan, even though he doesn't need it
    Always say "credit" when asked "credit or debit?" at a store
    Any time he borrows money from a friend, ay it back promptly
    Ask his parents to cosign a credit card or add him as a user
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  • Which of the following individuals or groups would be the LEAST likely to look at your credit score?
    Someone interviewing you for a job
    An insurance company reviewing your applicant for auto insur
    A bank rep who is helping you open a savings account
    Credit card companies
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  • If Frank has a credit score of 730 and Jason has a score of 600, Frank will likely qualify for a lower interest rate on a car loan
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  • You have a credit card that you use regularly for small purchases with the goal of improving your credit score. Which strategy would have the GREATEST positive impact?
    Put the credit card in a drawer instead and don't ever use i
    Regardless of how much your balance is, make the min payment
    Always carry a balance from month to month
    Use less than 30% of the credit limit and pay it off in full
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  • What strategy should you use to pay off multiple sources of debt if you want to pay the lowest amount of interest over time?
    High rate method
    Consolidate multiple debts into one new loan
    Make minimum payments
    Snowball method
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  • Who tracks all of your credit information?
    Credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion)
    Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB)
    Federal government
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  • What is the general timeline to establish your first credit score?
    Once you pay all of your credit balances in full
    Six months after you first actively use your credit
    As soon as you apply for a credit card or loan
    Once you turn 18
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  • You find an error on your credit report: Your credit card account indicates that you are 60 days late on your payment but you have bank records indicating that you have always made on-time payments. What should you do FIRST?
    Contact the credit card company to have them fix it
    call the police
    Wait a few weeks to see if it gets fixed
    Contact the credit reporting agency
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  • Which of the following could have a NEGATIVE impact on your credit score if done in a short period of time?
    Paying your bills on-time
    Decreasing your utilization of credit
    Paying down balances on your credit card accounts
    Applying for multiple credit cards
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  • Which best describes the Debt Snowball method for paying off debt?
    Only make payments on your smallest debt first, then move on
    Make the min pymts, then put extra toward lowest balance
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