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Normandy Conquest and right of succession

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  •  English    57     Public
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  • What is the origin of Normandy?
    Norsmen were to provide protection along the coast
    Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte
    In 911, Charles the Simple agreed with Rollo of the vikings
    All of these
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  • True or False: Normans and Normandy is derived from "Northmen" referring to Vikings
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  • The Vikings blended into the culture in Normandy by _____________
    by becoming good cooks
    by fear and looting
    intermarrying with local population
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  • What was the Norman Conquest ?
    Conquest of England by an army of Normans & Duke William
    Conquest of Normandy by the English
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  • What happened at the Battle of Hastings?
    HArold was killed by arrow in throat
    Once Harold died his army fled
    William defeated Harold II of England Oct 14 1066
    All of the above
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  • True or false: When Edward the confessor died he left a disputed succession?
    True: Harold Godwinson, Harald HAdrada, Duke William fought for control
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  • When Edward died, who seized the throne immediately
    Duke William
    Harold Godwinson
    Harald Hardrad of Norway
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  • Who is Harald Hadrada of Norway?
    believed England should belong to vikings
    King of Norway and supported by Harold's brother Tostig
    all of the above
    He had the support of the northern people
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  • Who is Harold Godwinson?
    brother in law of Edward ( Edward married his sister)
    Edward wanted him to be king
    HE wanted to be king and seized throne after Edward's death
    all of the above
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  • Why did Duke William release HArold's nephew?
    he didn't want a war
    he liked the boy
    on condition he would inherit throne
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  • When Duke of Normandy landed in Pevensy in South England why was he unopposed at first?
    King Harold was on vacation in the north
    King Harold was waging war against Harald of Norway n north
    King Harold was to afraid to do anything
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  • What did Duke William have to do to get the people of England to surrender to him after Harold's death?
    all of the above
    Loot the villages
    cut off the food supplies from people
    burn and pillage southeast England
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  • True or false: William wiped out nearly all old English nobility
    True: new nobility of Norman descent was established
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  • Who held the land and estates after Duke William became King?
    old English nobles retained their lands
    sheriffs appointed by the Duke
    Norman nobility held nearly on estates
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  • What is a direct consequence of Duke William invasion of ENgland?
    elimination of old English aristocracy;earldoms to Normans
    loss of English control over catholic church
    all of the above
    land was taken from English and given his followers
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  • How did English learn french?
    intermarrying of french
    They learned online
    They took lessons
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