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Stamped Section 1 Review

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  •  English    18     Public
    Using what we have read in Section 1 of Stamped, answer the questions to the best of your ability
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  • What year did Gomes Eanes De Zurara publish his book The Chronicle of The Discovery and Conquest of Guniea
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  • Explain curse theory and the book used to support it
    Curse theory explained that African people were "cursed" because of Noah's son having sex on the arch. It was said his descendants would be "dark" "disgusting"
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  • In relation to slavery, what did Puritans believe?
    That slavery was good for the economy
    That slavery was barbaric and should be abolished
    That slavery was necessary to "save" African souls
    That slavery helped make white men rich
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  • What were the names of the two Puritan men from chapter 2 "Puritan Power"
    John Cotton and Richard Mather
    Prince Henry and Zurara
    John Pory and George Yeardley
    George Best and William Perkins
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  • What was the cash crop grown in America during the first section of Stamped?
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  • Who was Nathaniel Bacon?
    A poor white farmer who wanted to overthrow rich white men with the help of the slaves.
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  • Who was the racist wunderkind from chapter 4?
    Cotton Mather
    Richard Mather
    John Cotton
    Increase Mather
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  • Explain Climate Theory: Created by Aristotle
    The idea that African people were only "inferior" because of the heat of the continent they lived on
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  • Puritans believed they were superior to
    African People
    All Non-Puritans
    Native Americans
    All of the above
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  • Lucilio Vanini believed African people were born of "a different Adam." What did he mean by this?
    That African people didn't believe in Adam and Eve
    That African people could not be saved
    African people could not be named Adam
    African People had a different origin story than Adam & Eve
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  • The Mennonites in Germantown Pennsylvania were the first to create an anti-racist petition. What did it say?
    That freed slaves should become more like the mennonites
    That Slavery was necessary for the salvation of slaves
    That owning slaves was similar to religious opppression
    That owning slaves was not a form of oppression
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  • What did The Puritans do to Metacomet? (The Native American War hero)
    They cut up his body and showed off his remains
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  • What was the outcome of Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion?
    White Privileges were given to keep the classes separate
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  • How did the Salem Witch Hunt impact the view of people of color in the late 1600s?
    Satan was described as black, which associated people of color with evil
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  • Why did Americans need more slaves in the last 1600s?
    To accommodate the high demand for tobacco
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  • What is the definition of an assimilationist?
    People who want races to be segregated
    None of the above
    People who advocate for equal rights among races
    People who accept other people if they act more like them
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