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6º Science Unit 1

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  •  English    10     Public
    5 Senses, Nervous System, Musculo Skeletal System
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  • Name the 5 main sense organs. What is each one sensitive to?
    Nose- chemicals in the air, Tongue- chemicals in food, Ear- sound waves, Skin- heat, pressure, pain and texture, Eye- reflected light,
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  • Describe how a stimulus received from each of the five senses reaches our brain.
    The receptor passes the stimulus to the sensory neuron. The dendrites turn the stimulus into an impulse and send it along the axon to the brain.
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  • What is a neuron?
    It is a cell. The building block of the nervous system.
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  • Name and descrie the 3 different types of neurons.
    Sensory- sends messages from receptors to the brain. Interneuron- sends messages between the brain and spinal cord. Motor neuron- brain to effector.
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  • Name the different parts of the nervous system. What does each part include?
    Central- brain and spinal cord. Peripheral- nerves
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  • Which part of the brain is responsible fro the following actions: a) balance b)thingking c) involuntary actions
    a) cerebellum. b) cerebrum. c) brain stem.
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  • How many bones can you name? Where are they?
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  • What do skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle do?
    Contract a relax- skeletal (moves our body) cardiac (pumps blood) smooth (organ functions)
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  • Nem the different types of joints. What is the difference between them?
    Fixed (don't move like the skull), semi-flexible (move a little bit like the spine ), flexible (move a lot like the knee)
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  • What is a reflex? Why is it important?
    A reflex is an automatic response that is sent our to the effectors from the spinal cord. It is important because it keeps us safe. They happen automatically.
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