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Conflict Resolution Assembly

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  •  English    15     Public
    Conflict Resolution
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Your friend borrowed your favorite book and returned it with pages torn. How would you resolve this conflict?
    Talk to your friend calmly, express your feelings, and as
    Confront your friend and demand a replacement.
    Keep quiet and avoid lending them anything in the future.
  •  15
  • You and a classmate disagree on the topic for a group project. How should you handle this conflict?
    Complain to the teacher about your classmate's choice.
    Have a respectful discussion with your classmate, considerin
    Insist on your choice and ignore your classmate's opinion.
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  • During a group study session, a classmate is constantly distracting everyone with off-topic chatter. How would you address this situation?
    Snap at them to be quiet.
    Politely ask your classmate to stay on task and remind them
    Ignore them and focus on your work.
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  • You witness someone being bullied at school. What's the best way to help?
    Pretend you didn't see it and walk away.
    Join in to avoid becoming a target yourself.
    Report the bullying to a trusted adult or school authority.
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  • Your group project team disagrees on the direction of the project. How should you proceed?
    Convince the team to follow your ideas.
    Do your part your own way without consulting the team.
    Hold a team meeting to openly discuss everyone's ideas, seek
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  • Your friend has been spreading rumors about you. What's the best approach to address this situation?
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  • You borrowed your classmate's notes and accidentally spilled coffee on them. How would you resolve this conflict?
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  • You and your teammate have a disagreement during a sports game. What's the best way to handle it?
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  • You have a disagreement with a teacher about your grade. What's the best way to address this conflict?
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  • Your classmate borrowed your headphones and returned them damaged. How should you resolve this issue?
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  • You overhear someone making hurtful comments about your friend behind their back. How should you handle this situation?
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  • You and your sibling are arguing over the use of a shared computer. How should you resolve this conflict?
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  • You have a group project, and one team member is not contributing. How should the group address this issue?
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  • You and a friend disagree on a fundamental value or belief. How would you navigate this conflict?
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  • Someone at school is blaming you for something that you didn't do. What should you do?
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