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Animal Trivia

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  •  English    28     Public
    What is the only animal that can't jump? How many eyes do spiders have?
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  • How many eyes do most spiders have? 2 , 8, 4, or, 6
    Eight! (some have six or less, but they’re always an even number)
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  • What is a group of wolves called?
    a pack
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  • Which bird is a symbol for peace?
    the dove
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  • What direction do bats fly out of a cave?
    They always turn left.
    They always turn right.
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  • What color is a polar bear’s skin under their white fur?
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  • What animal is said to have 9 lives?
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  • What is the only big cat that can’t roar?
    a cheetah
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  • Do fish have spines?
    Yes! All fish live in water and have a spine.
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  • What is bigger – an ostrich eye or an ostrich brain?
    an ostrich eye
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  • What is the only animal that can’t jump? Hint: it's really really big
    the elephant
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  • Where is the only place on their bodies that dogs can sweat? hint: it's unexpected!
    under their feet
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  • What color is a flamingo when it’s born? gray, white, pink, brown
    Gray! The shrimp and algae they eat dye their feathers pink
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  • Why do otters hold hands when they sleep in water? To stay afloat, to keep warm, to stay together, or to look bigger to prey?
    To stay together, otherwise they would float away
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  • How many hearts does the giant Pacific octopus have? 2, 5, 3, or 1
    Three3 hearts – two pump blood to their gills and one pumps blood to the rest of their body
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  • Snakes have flexible jaws which allow them to eat prey bigger than their head!
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  • Cats use their whiskers to check whether a space is too small for them to fit through or not?
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