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Perfect Modals

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  •  15     Public
    #Perfect #modals
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  • Nancy did very well on her history test. She _____ studied hard.
    must have
    might have
    could have
    should have
  •  15
  • We couldn't hear our teacher all day. He _____ spoken louder.
    may have
    must have
    should have
    would have
  •  15
  • It was a good movie. You _____ come along and watched it with us.
    could have
    must have
    should have
    might have
  •  15
  • I _____ left my keys at home. I can't find them anywhere.
    must have
    might have
    would have
    should have
  •  15
  • Bill slept too late but he got to work on time. He's lucky. He _____ missed the bus.
    should have
    could have
    must have
    may have
  •  15
  • Be careful. That floor is wet. You _____ slipped.
    could have
    should have
    couldn't have
    must have
  •  15
  • The ground is very wet this morning. It _____ rained last night.
    must have
    should have
    would have
    couldn't have
  •  15
  • You _____ thrown out that painting. It might be worth a lot of money one day.
    shouldn't have
    must have
    may have
    could have
  •  15
  • They _____ enjoyed the party if more of their friends had been there.
    must have
    would have
    couldn't have
    should have
  •  15
  • Andrew hurt his hand while he was fixing his sink. He _____ been more careful.
    should have
    would not have
    must have
    could not have
  •  15
  • Marvin's cat died.  He _____ felt really sad.
    could have
    must have
    should have
    might have
  •  15
  • If we had known about the lecture, we _____ attended it.
    must have
    would have
    could not have
    should have
  •  15
  • I called the Stevensons, but no one answered. They _____ gone to the countryside.
    needn't have
    might have
    must have
    should have
  •  15
  • Those cool musicians play beautifully together. They _____ practiced a lot.
    shouldn't have
    must have
    would have
    could have
  •  15
  • I _________ ordered a pizza, but I ordered a salad instead because I'm on a diet.
    could have
    should have
    can't have
    must have
  •  15