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Charlotte's Web

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  •  English    14     Public
    From the 2006 film, with Russian and English
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  • “It can't help being born small.” "Нельзя не родиться маленьким." Who said it?
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  • Describe what Fern looks like. What clothes does she wear?
    In the book she has brown hair. In the movie she is blonde. She wears overalls, jeans, plaid shirts and sneakers.
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  • How does Fern take care of Wilbur when he is a baby?
    She washes him, feeds him, reads to him, and protects him from Avery.
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  • What does Fern tell her father would be unjust, or unfair? несправедливый
    To kill Wilbur just because he is a runt.
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  • Which thing is NOT on the farm?
    baby bottle
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  • Why is it funny when Templeton says "Думаю, желток на мне. «Шутка надо мной» означает, что я пошутил"?
    The yolk of the rotten egg got all over him when it broke.
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  • Who said "I do my best thinking upside down. Blood goes to my head and perks me up." Думаю. Я стараюсь думать вверх ногами. Кровь ударяет мне в голову и бодрит.
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  • Why does the farmer's wife say "Это чудо!"
    She thinks it's a miracle that SOME PIG is written in the web.
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  • Wilbur is just an average pig. What is another word for "average"? What is the OPPOSITE of "average"?
    Ordinary, regular, plain, usual. The opposite of average is extraordinary, unusual, unique, special.
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  • What adjectives describe Templeton? How did Templeton change at the end of the story?
    rude, greedy, messy, stinky, funny.......грубый, жадный, грязный, вонючий, смешной.....
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  • What are some things on the farm that you can SMELL?
    You can smell manure. Вы можете почувствовать запах навоза. You can smell grass, dirt, hay - сено,
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  • At the end of the story, how did Charlotte's babies get back to the farm?
    Wilbur asked Templeton to get the egg sac and he carried it in his mouth. They put it in Wilbur's crate.
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  • What did Wilbur talk about with Charlotte's daughters at the end?
    Wilbur told them about how wonderful Charlotte was. They promised they would all be friends.
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  • What do you remember about Wilbur's competitor, Uncle the Pig?
    Uncle was huge, arrogant and lazy.
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