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Weather idioms

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  •  English    24     Public
    Try to guess various idioms using weather words! B2/C1 level
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Explain what it means if "it's raining cats and dogs"
    It's raining heavily, especially during a storm
  •  15
  • Explain what it means "to be snowed under"
    You have too much work to do or a lot of things to deal with at once
  •  20
  • Explain what it means "to feel under the weather"
    To be feeling unwell
  •  15
  • What does it mean that something "is a breeze"?
    It's easy and requires little effort
  •  15
  • Explain what it means "to be on cloud nine"
    to be extremely happy
  •  15
  • Explain the idiom "come rain or shine"
    Something will be done regardless of whatever happens
  •  20
  • What is "the calm before the storm"?
    a brief moment of peace or quiet before a very busy period
  •  15
  • What does it mean to "chase rainbows"?
    To try to achieve the impossible
  •  25
  • What does it mean "to steal somebody's thunder"?
    To do what someone else was going to do and take the praise from them
  •  25
  • What does it mean "to take a rain check"?
    To be willing to wait until something (like service, product) is ready
  •  25
  • Who is "a fair-weather friend"?
    Someone who is only around when things are going well
  •  15
  • What does it mean "to weather the storm"?
    To survive a difficult challenge
  •  15
  • When can you say "When it rains, it pours"?
    When many bad things are happening all at once
  •  20
  • What does it mean that somebody is right as rain?
    Feeling well and healthy
  •  20
  • What does it mean that something is "scattered to the four winds"?
    It's broken and the pieces are now so far away from each other that it cannot be put back together again
  •  25
  • Who is a person with "snow on the roof"?
    A person with silver or white hair
  •  15