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  •  English    23     Public
    By your computation, reasoning & intelligence, can you give the right answers to questions & find the rules of the questions?
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  • What is the correct answer to this problem?
  •  25
  • Of the four figures A, B, C and D, choose one to fill in the question mark.
    The ending point for the two lines in the previous figure is the starting point for the two lines in the following figure. The answer is B
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  • Remove three matches to get five squares.
    Remove the three rightmost match matches of the image so that we will get 5 squares.
  •  25
  • Find the rules of the range and enter the appropriate number in the question mark. There are three possible solutions to this question.
    6/12/9 (The answer is 6 or 12 or 9)
  •  25
  • Move a match to get the right calculation. There are two possible solutions to this question.
    Move the match of 6 to make it 0. We have the calculation: 0 + 4 = 4. Move the plus sign to make the number 6 into 8, we have the calculation: 8 - 4 = 4
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    First triangle: 15 - 5 + 10 = 20 | Second triangle: 5 - 3 + 8 = 10 | Third triangle: 6 - 2 + 4 = 8
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    The number to be filled is 19. Because we have | 25 + 27 = 52 | 23 + 30 = 53 | 21 + 33 = 54 | 36 + 19 = 55
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  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    Three horizontal boxes form a three-digit number. From top to bottom we have|Rows 1:17 x 17 = 289|Rows 2:18 x 18 = 324|Rows 3:19 x 19 = 361 ? = 1
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    Consider every rectangle we have 946 : 43 = 22 713 : 31 = 23 504 : X = 24 => X = 504: 24 = 21 => The missing number is 1
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    The number above multiples 2 and then plus 3 will produce the adjacent lower number:1 x 2 + 3 = 5|5 x 2 + 3 = 13|13 x 2 + 3 = 29|29 x 2 + 3 = 61
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    We have 6 x 2 = 12. The left cell is 1, so the right cell needs to be filled with 2.
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  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    Figure 1: 16 x 2 = 32; 16 x 4 = 64 | Figure 2: 24 x 2 = 48; 24 x 4 = 96 | Figure 3: 13 x 2 = 26; 13 x 4 = 52
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    Because there are two missing images, the rule is based on the first image; Figure 1: 3+7-4=6 ; Figure 2: 2+4-2=4 ; Figure 3: 5+9-4=10
  •  25
  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    Multiplying the two numbers adds up the sum of those two numbers In Figure 1:  6 x 4 = 24 ; 6+4=10 => 24+10=24 => Answer = 9x2=18 ; 9+2=11 ; 11+18=29
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  • You need to deduce, find out the rules and calculate carefully before filling in the question mark in the puzzle.
    The sum of three numbers on a line (hyphenated) is always equal to 15. There are four such lines; 6+5+4=15 ; 9+5+1=15 ; 3+5+7=15 ; 8+5+2=15
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  • The unreasonable point is cleverly hidden behind small details, requiring you to be alert and use logical thinking to find it.
    Two teams are playing hockey but the goalie is holding the racquet - There are two orbs on the field
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