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  •  English    19     Public
    5th Grade
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When one country takes over another country
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  • The belief that countries should not get involved in other countries problems
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  • An agreement among countries to support each other in time of war
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  • The belief that building a strong military is the most important thing for a country
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  • Who was president of the U.S.A. during the first world war?
    Woodrow Wilson
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  • What event triggered the fighting in Europe? (the start of WW1)
    the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
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  • War fought from 1914 until 1918 between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers
    World War 1
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  • The alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey (Ottoman Empire) was called _______________
    Central Powers
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  • the alliance between Great Britain, Russia, France, Italy, Japan, Serbia, Belgium and later the United States was called
    Allied Powers
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  • a British passenger ship that was torpedoed by a German submarine (U boat) killing 1200 people including 128 Americans
    the Lusitania
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  • Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico asking for Mexico's support in the war in return for American land
    Zimmerman Note
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  • Mustard gas was a new technology first used during WW1 which caused the soldiers on both sides to wear _____________
    gas masks
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  • The armstice, or agreement, that ended WW1 was called
    The Treaty of Versailles
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  • During WW1, back in the United States, women had to do something they had not done before. What was it?
    Take over the men's jobs while they were away at war. (Work outside the home)
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  • The provisions of the Treaty of Versailles said that Germany had to pay a large amount of money to the Allied Powers, lose some of their territories, and what else?
    Promise not to rebuild their army
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  • These armored vehicles were used for the first time during World War 1
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