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Arts and HumanitiesHistoryHistory of the America ...

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  • Do you remember what happened in the "Act of Union?"
    It joined Scotland and Wales to England
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  • In the early 18th century, four different kinds of people sailed under the flag of Great Britain. What were they?
    Englishmen, Scotsmen, Welshmen, and Americans
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  • Britain had spent thousands of pounds during the Seven Years' War. How did they intend to regain some of that money?
    They decided to pass laws requiring the colonists to pay taxes.
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  • What did the Sugar Act require of the American colonists?
    They had to pay extra money for all sugar and molasses that came into American ports--unless the sugar came from Britain.
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  • Name two things that were taxed by the Stamp Act.
    Newspapers and Pamphlets, dice, playing cards, and legal documents.
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  • What were the American colonists ordered to provide for British troops?
    Colonists were order to provide rooms and food for British troops sent to North America--and to pay for those rooms and food themselves.
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  • What wer General Assemblies?
    Meetings of all the colony leaders.
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  • Was American colonists Patrick Henry arguing for or against the British Acts?
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  • What was Henry's main argument against the colonists having to pay taxes?
    They shouldn't have to pay taxes because they did not have representatives in Parliament, which was making the laws.
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  • What did the new king of Great Britain, George III, agree to do in response to the colonists' protests?
    He agreed to repeal some of the acts. He did not repeal the tax on tea.
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  • What did colony leaders name the incident in which British soldiers fired into a crowd and killed five colonists?
    the Boston Massacre
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  • What did the colonists do at the "Boston Tea Party?"
    Sixty American colonists wrapped themselves up in Indian blankets and feather headdresses, marched to the wharf where three British tea ships lay at a...
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  • Can you remember the four things that the Continental Congress asked Parliament to do?
    They asked the British government to remove the British soldiers, reopen the port, and repeal taxes.; it also warned Parliament that the colonies woul...
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  • Who said, "Give me liberty of give me death!"
    Patrick Henry
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