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  •  English    8     Public
    Down Syndrome
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or False: Down Syndrome is a disease.
    False. Down Syndrome is a diagnosis. Most people with Down Syndrome are healthy.
  •  15
  • True or False: Each year, around 150 children are born with Down Syndrome in Sweden.
    True: One child is born with Down Syndrome per 650 births.
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  • True or False: People with Down Syndrome cannot learn to read and write.
    False: It might take a little longer for children with Down Syndrome to develop, but with the right pedagogy, most people can learn to both read and write!
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  • True or False: In Sweden, people with Down Syndrome have the right to vote and marry.
    True: In Sweden, people with Down syndrome have the same basic rights as other citizens.
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  • True or False: Everyone with Down syndrome is happy, huggable and musical.
    False: People with Down Syndrome are individuals, just like everyone else. They can feel joy, anger and sadness. They want to hug sometimes and be alone others.
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  • True or False: The average life expectancy of people with Downs Syndrome is 30 years.
    False: The average life expectancy has improved significantly in recent years and is today 60 years.
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  • True or False: There are different degrees of Down syndrome. Some have a lot, others have little.
    False: Either you have Down syndrome, or you don't. However, it is expressed very different. What is difficult for one person is easy for another.
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  • True or False: Children with Down syndrome can attend regular preschool/school.
    True: Children with Down syndrome can attend regular preschool and primary school, often with extras support from a resource person.
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