Game Preview

Social Skills // Random

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  •  English    19     Public
    safe hands, safe feet, social skills
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When you are frustrated, you might feel like ripping your paper. What could you do instead?
    take a break and come back to try again later
    cry and yell out
    rip the paper to shreds
    knock everything off your desk
  •  15
  • You teacher said you lost 5 minutes of recess for not getting your work done. Throwing is never an option when you are angry. What should you have done instead?
    knock everything off your desk
    cry and yell out
    shout, "NO!"
    accepted the consequence even though you don't like it
  •  15
  • Do you think this kid has safe hands or unsafe hands?
    Yes, his hands are close to his body
    His hands are touching someone else
    His hands are punching someone
    His hands are hurting someone
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  • They were mad she wasn't invited to play so she knocked the tower of blocks over. What would you say to them?
    That wasn't very nice. It makes me sad that you ruined the game for everyone else.
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  • What is something that made you feel proud of yourself this week?
    I felt proud when I ____________.
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  • What did you do great at this week?
    This week I did great at _________.
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  • Is it safe give a friend a pound?
    Yes, as long as it doesn't hurt the other person
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  • Instead of dropping my body to the floor when I'm frustrated, I should ________.
    flop on the floor
    cry out, "I CAN'T DO IT!"
    walk away and try again later
    avoid doing my work
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  • What do you say after playing a game.
    It's so unfair you won!
    This game is stupid.
    "Good game." That was fun. Do you want to play agian?
    I'm never playing this game again.
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  • When you notice a friend is in trouble, what do you do?
    Go and help them.
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  • Did you show teamwork this week? How? With who?
    I showed teamwork this week by _____________.
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  • What is a good way to stay organized?
    try to keep all the things in your head
    make a list of things to do
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  • This his how you put on your backpack. You accidentally hit someone with your backpack They said, "Ow, you hit me!" What should you do?
    It was your fault not mine.
    say, "I don't care."
    walk away without saying sorry
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  • Someone is having hard time transitioning to class. You should...
    Watch what is happening
    Give them privacy. Let the adult handle it.
    Laugh and point at the person
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  • I can control _______.
    my desk neighbor
    the annoying kid in class
    my teacher
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  • If a friend makes a mistake, I should get mad and stomp my feet.
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