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Cleft Sentences

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  •  English    24     Public
    Practice transforming and completing cleft sentences
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  • I don't understand why she didn't tell her sons about their father / What I don't understand...
    What I don't understand is why she didn't tell her sons about their father
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  • They planned to start a new life in Panama / The place where...
    The place where they planned to start a new life was Panama
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  • The photograph of the couple buying a house in Panama revealed the deception / It was...
    It was the photograph of the couple buying a house in Panama which/that revealed the deception.
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  • She couldn't understand why Anne had decided to emigrate to Panama / The thing that...
    The thing that she couldn't understand was why Anne had decided to emigrate to Panama
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  • John flew back to the UK from Panama because he was missing his sons / The reason...
    The reason (why/that) John flew back to the UK from Panama was (that) he was missing his sons
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  • They found it difficult coming to terms with what their parents had done / What they found...
    What they found difficult was coming to terms with what their parents had done.
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  • The elections have given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them / What the elections have done is...
    What the elections have done is give these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them
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  • The elections have given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them / The thing that...
    The thing that has given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them is the elections.
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  • The elections have given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them / It's the elections...
    It's the elections that have given these people their first real opportunity to decide who will govern them.
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  • Heavy snow caused widespread disruption to the country's airports, road and rail systems / It was the airports...
    E.g. It was the airports, road and rail systems that were widely disrupted due to heavy snow.
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  • Heavy snow caused widespread disruption to the country's airports, road and rail systems / It was heavy snow...
    It was heavy snow that/which caused widespread disruption to the country's airports, road and rail systems
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  • Heavy snow caused widespread disruption to the country's airports, road and rail systems / What caused widespread...
    What caused widespread disruption to the country's airports, road and rail systems was the heavy snow
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  • Hundreds of students marched through the city centre to protest against the new laws / What caused hundreds...
    What caused hundreds off students to march through the city centre in protest were the new laws
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  • Hundreds of students marched through the city centre to protest against the new laws / The reason hundreds...
    The reason (why/that) hundreds of students marched through the city centre was to protest against the new laws
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  • Hundreds of students marched through the city centre to protest against the new laws / What happened was...
    What happened was (that) hundreds of students marched through the city centre to protest against the new laws.
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  • Something I've always wanted to do is...
    E.g. Something I've always wanted to do is learn how to scuba dive
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