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Valentine's Day Special

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  •  English    22     Public
    How well can you talk about romance in English?
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  • Who is the “cupid”?
    The child of the goddess Venus, according to Greek Mythology
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  • Name 10 common Valentine’s Day gifts
    Ex.:Flowers, chocolate, cards, dinner, clothing, jewelry, perfume, watches, handmade presents, special programs, lingerie, etc.
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  • Ana was single but she met a guy two months ago and now they are a couple. What is another way to say that 2 people are in a relationship?
    They are dating
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  • Ana told me she was heartbroken because her boyfriend broke up with her, but I didn’t really understand what she meant by that. What’s heartbroken?
    When you feel very sad and disappointed, metaphorically you feel like your heart was broken.
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  • My friend John has one girlfriend but he kisses many other girls when she is not around. What is John doing to his girlfriend?
    John is cheating on his girlfriend
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  • Michael said he has a big crush on our classmate, what does he mean by that?
    To have a crush on someone means you like a person a lot and would love to be more than friends with them.
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  • My friend invited me to go on a date with him and his girlfriend, he told me his girlfriend would invite another girl to go too. Do you know an expression for situations like this?
    Blind date
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  • My mom told me that for her and my dad it was love at first sight, what does she mean by that?
    It means they fell in love at the same moment they met.
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  • After John’s wedding I told him it was too soon for him to tie the knot, but he didn’t really understand what I meant. How can I explain it to him?
    It was too soon for John to get married and settle down.
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  • Anna told me she’s into our new classmate Michael, what did she mean by that?
    She meant she really likes him and is interested in getting to know him better.
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  • John will pop the question to his girlfriend tomorrow, what does that mean?
    It means he will ask his fiancé to marry him, he will propose.
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  • My friend John proposed to his girlfriend Mary and now what are they?
    They are engaged
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  • Name 10 unusual places for a date
    Ex.: work, parents’ house, courtroom, supermarket, library, mall, stores, college, laboratory, hospital, etc.
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  • What is the difference between Valentine's Day in the US and in Brazil?
    In the US, the holiday happens at the begging of the year while in Brazil it's in the middle.
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  • What's the best way to invite someone for a date?
    "Would you like to go out/go on a date with me?"
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  • Adam asked me if I would be his Valentine but I didn't know how to answer! What did he mean by that?
    He meant to express that he likes you and would like to possibly have a relationship with you.
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