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Jennifer's & Nancy's U.S. Citizenship Review #1: ...

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  •  English    25     Public
    1-25 of the hundred questions
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  • Why does the flag have 50 stars?
    because there are 50 states
  •  15
  • What is the name of the national anthem?
    the Star Spangled Banner
  •  15
  • What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
    the United States OR the flag
  •  15
  • What is the capital of the United States?
    Washington, D.C.
  •  15
  • Who is the governor of your state?
    Ralph Northam (for Virginia)
  •  15
  • What is the capital of your state?
    Richmond (for Virginia)
  •  15
  • What are the two main political parties in the United States?
    Democratic and Republican
  •  15
  • What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?
    voting, joining a political party (there are more)
  •  15
  • What is the economic system in the United States?
    capitalist OR market economy
  •  15
  • What is the name of the President of the U.S. now?
    Joe Biden
  •  15
  • What is the political party of the president now?
  •  15
  • Name one of the two largest rivers in the United States.
    Mississippi OR Missouri
  •  15
  • What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
  •  15
  • What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?
  •  15
  • Name one U.S. territory.
    Guam, Puerto Rico (there are more)
  •  15
  • Name one state that borders Canada.
    Alaska (there are others)
  •  15