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  •  English    16     Public
    Self-advocating in school
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are having trouble taking a test because the student next to you is making noises.
    Start laughing at the funny noises.
    "Stop being loud!!"
    "Can you please be quiet, I can't hear."
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  • You didn't understand the teacher's directions
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  • You do not understand a problem on a worksheet. What could you do?
    Start drawing on the whiteboard table.
    Ask your table partner if they understand the question.
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  • You are having trouble seeing the board. What could you say?
    "What did you do this weekend?"
    "Can I move close to the front of the room?"
    "Can we turn off the lights to see the board?"
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  • You got a low grade on a test.
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  • The teacher just assigned a project and you are overwhelmed by how much writing there is. Writing is difficult for you.
    "Writing is the worst."
    "Writing this is so easy."
    "I need help with writing my answers."
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  • You only have 4 questions left on the test, but the teacher said it is time to turn it in.
    "I'm all done."
    "Can I please have more time to finish?"
    Turn it in without saying anything.
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  • Your teacher asked you a question and you don't understand. What could you say?
    "What is the question?"
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  • You don't understand a chapter in the book you are reading for class.
    "I don't understand, can you help me?"
    "I love this book!"
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  • Your teacher asked you a question that you don't feel comfortable answering. What could you say?
    "I'm not sure, can I have help from someone else?"
    Sit quietly without saying anything.
    Stand up and walk out of the room.
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  • A problem happened at lunch and you want some time to calm down before starting class.
    This is a terrible school.
    I'm so angry!!
    Can I stand outside the room for a minute to calm down?
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  • You can't find the assignment on google classroom. What should you say?
    What is your favorite food?
    Where do I go to find the assignment?
    This assignment is terrible!
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  • You didn't hear the teacher's direction and notice that everyone is starting the assignment.
    Raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat.
    Sit with your head down.
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  • You forgot your homework at home. What could you do?
    Run away from the classroom.
    Tell you teacher and ask for an extension.
    Tell your friend at lunch.
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  • Something is missing from your lunch order. What should you say?
    I hate lunch, this is the worst!
    Nothing's wrong.
    Excuse me, I'm missing something from my order.
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  • You want to play Minecraft but all of your friends want to play Among Us. Which should you say?
    Okay, I don't care.
    Let's play Among Us for a little bit, then play Minecraft.
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