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IELTS Preparation

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  •  English    16     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What will you response if you don't understand something in IELTS Speaking Test?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg.I haven’t heard that word before. Could you explain what you mean?)
  •  15
  • How will you response if you don't hear something in IELTS Speaking Test?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg. Excuse me, I didn't quite catch that. Could you say it again?)
  •  15
  • How will you respond if you want to check that you understood something correctly?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg. Do you mean ...? Are you asking ...?)
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  • How will you introduce new ideas in a natural, spontaneous way in IELTS Speaking Test?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg. What else? Oh, yes, ... Another example just came to me. One more thing I’d just like to add.)
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  • Can you mention one of the Conversation Fillers if you can't think about what to say next?
    Well, .... So, .... Let me think .... Let’s see ... Hmm, that’s a difficult question. Hmm, that’s a tricky question. Umm, you know ...
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  • Between "I shall" and "I will" which one is better to use in IELTS Speaking Test?
    "I Will"
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  • Spelling your name to the examiner is the thing that you should do or not?
    No. Absolutely not!!!
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  • In IELTS Speaking, do you think "saying with short idiomatic expressions" is the thing we should do or do you think "Longer is better"?
    "Saying with short idiomatic expressions" is the thing we should do
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  • If you can't describe the word "Goggles", how will you paraphrase that word in IELTS Speaking Test?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg. I can’t remember the word for them, but they help you to see under water.)
  •  15
  • If you can't describe the word "REMOTE CONTROL", how will you paraphrase that word in IELTS Speaking Test?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg.I can’t remember the word for it, but it’s used for changing the TV channel.)
  •  15
  • If you can't describe the word "A FLIGHT ATTENDANT", how will you paraphrase that word in IELTS Speaking Test?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg.I don’t recall the word for this profession, but it’s a person who helps passengers on a plane.)
  •  15
  • Relaxing and enjoying yourself in IELTS Speaking Test is the thing that you should do or not?
    Yes, Of Course.
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  • The examiner asks " What is your favourite gadget?" but If you want to check that you understood it correctly, what will you say?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg. By ‘gadget’, do you mean things like iPhones and cameras?)
  •  15
  • The examiner asks "Who is your favourite family member?" but If you want to check that you understood it correctly, what will you say?
    Student's Answer which is acceptable(Eg.When you say ‘family member’, do you mean my close family, or can I talk about my relatives?)
  •  15
  • Asking for clarification if you don’t understand the question in IELTS Speaking Test is the thing that you should do or not?
    Yes, Of Course.
  •  15
  • Using conversation fillers to give yourself time to think in IELTS Speaking Test is the thing that you should do or not?
    Yes, Sure!
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