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Story of the World Chapter 25

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  • People first heard of a strange sickness from distant parts of where?
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  • What did the people of Europe call the sickness?
    Black Death
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  • Today, we know that it was an illness called what?
    Bubonic plague
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  • The disease was spread by ____ that lived on ____.
    fleas, rats
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  • What symptoms did people with the mysterious illness have?
    headache and fever, coughing and sneezing, and lumps under their arms
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  • Most people who got sick died within how long?
    three days
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  • What reasons did people of the Middle ages give for the sickness?
    They thought it was the judgment of God, caused by hurricanes, caused by all the rats swarming through their cities.
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  • What did people carry with them to keep the sickness away?
    flowers and herbs
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  • What happened to farms during the sickness?
    Grain wasn't harvested and fields grew weedy
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  • Why did people begin moving to cities?
    Many of the villages were wiped out and never rebuilt
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  • What happened to the empty houses in the country?
    Peasants moved in and became the new owners
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  • Why did forests spring up all over Europe?
    There weren't enough people to farm the land so fields turned into forests
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